Healthy Travel

With BodyGym, Exercise CAN Fit Into Your Life!


Why is BODYGYM my go-to workout? Because it fits seamlessly into my life.

If I have a few minutes in the morning I love to do a little stretching with the bar.  Standing stretches help me loosen up as I start my day.

If I find myself having five minutes between changing laundry, watering flowers, errand, emails or picking a few weeds I can squeeze in five sticker exercises from the bar for one minute each.  

In the evening I love laying on the floor stretching with the BodyGym band as we’re watching something or talking together in our tv room.

Today I found myself in the kitchen talking with my daughters on a FaceTime call so I went through the exercises on the front side of the bar.  9 minutes is all it took while I was in regular clothes—fitting it into my day.

Exercise doesn’t need to look like a 30 or 60 minute workout done to a DVD or in an exercise class. (Although, I love participating in movement this way when that fits my schedule.)

I love doing BodyGym with others and I’m grateful for those opportunities when I get to teach—especially groups of women and teenage girls.

How are YOU doing on YOUR movement?  Where can you squeeze in 5-10 minutes throughout the day? 

Where do you keep your BodyGym?  Is it in a room where you rarely see it?

Is it still in the box? Don’t feel guilty—sometimes we do that!

If the only thing you did today was put that BODYGYM in a place where you see it, I promise you’ll use it more.  

You can find cute baskets or leather boxes that blend into your living space so you see your BodyGym, but it doesn’t look messy or out of place.

As a trainer, I encourage people to schedule workout time and stick to it the way they would any important appointment. If this isn’t happening in your busy life right now, challenge yourself to do just 5 to 10 minutes of BodyGym wherever you can in your day.  There’s no need to even change into workout clothes if you don’t have time.

Every minute of exercise contributes to your well-being, health and progress. Make it fit into your life, especially during these busy summer days.  Every and any minute counts!!!

Tag me on Instagram if you accept this challenge because I plan to share a little BodyGym joy for those posts showing us just how DOABLE BodyGym can be!  Just use #thebodygym so I can find you as I’ll be announcing the winners throughout the week.

Here’s to health and happiness as you simply incorporate more movement this week!  


Still Need a Body


My Travel Trifecta


Happy October!  I hope your transition into fall has been fabulous.  This is actually my favorite time of year.  I feel more of a sense of  renewal, recommitment and desire to improve vs. any other time--even more than at the New Year.

I’ve been asked about staying healthy and true to my lifestyle while traveling so I thought I’d share a few items I take with me regardless if I’m out of town overnight or for an extended period of time.  

These 3 items save me from losing ground on the health and fitness results I work so hard towards.

Let’s Talk TREATS!

Keeping it real, we have to have treats as part of our healthy lifestyle right?!?!?  These keep us IN our healthy lifestyle.  We don’t feel deprived when we have options that are satisfying AND help us see keep our results. 

I take these single serving Cenavi 70% Dark Chocolate Flats with me in my gym bag or purse.  Rather than munching on sugary cookies, pretzels or whatever else is offered on a plane or at the gas stations, I enjoy a chocolate square.  I love how these are low sugar but taste like the real deal!  They’re rich and indulgent so one is really all I need (most of the time!).  

I use these at restaurants too.  Don’t you hate it when the dessert looks so much better than it actually tastes?  Sadly, most of the time this is the case so rather than eating what’s served, I pull out my chocolate treat and enjoy every single bite of it while other’s are eating that “less than amazing” dessert just because it's on the table. 

Probiotics to the Rescue

It’s no secret our bodies get out of their routine when we travel.  At those moments, we all could use a little help to feel and function our best while on the road.

Amazing benefits of the Silver Fern Brand Ultimate Probiotic include:

·       Improved digestion and food tolerance

·       Reduced gas, bloating and digestive discomfort

·       Aided recovery of the flora after antibiotic use

·       Supported nutrient absorption

·       Reduced inflammation

·       Improved favorable immune response and reduction of allergies and asthma

·       Improved regularity of bowel movements

·       Supported growth of good bacteria

The best thing about these probiotics is they actually are what the label states!  PLUS, they're shelf stable which means you don’t have to worry about refrigerating them so they can be tossed right in your carry on with you!  Without geeking out on the research, I love them because these are…

·       100% guaranteed survivability

·       Independent, 3rd party lab proven survivability results

·       3rd party DNA verification of the strains

·       3 university tested bacillus species

·       Contain a prebiotic to help activate the probiotic bacteria in the intestines

I’ve done my research and these are the one thing my family and I take on a daily basis—ESPECIALLY while traveling!

Silver Fern Protein Shakes vs. Getting Hangry

Having a baggie of protein powder comes in handy when you need an actual meal but you don’t love the choices being offered .  Whether you’re on a plane, in a business meeting or you just don’t have access to food YOU’D like, this is easy and low maintenance when you’re in a bind.  All you need is a cup or water bottle!

Besides the fact this is the best tasting, highest nutrient powder I’ve found, it mixes great in just a bottle of water.   I've even used the chocolate flavored protein in hot water and it tastes like a hot chocolate!  Who else totally freezes on airplanes?!?!?

There you have it: my Travel Trifecta! These are my non-negotiables that go with me on every trip.  I keep them in my carry on and in my purse at all times.  

Have you had any experience with these items yet?  What do YOU do to stay close to your healthy lifestyle while you travel?  

As I'm getting ready to pack for my upcoming BodyJoy Retreat I’ll be sharing a few more "grab & go" ideas soon!  Until then, I hope these items help you on your next travel adventure, work trip or weekend get away!  

Holiday BodyJoy Slim Down Challenge

Would you like to actually drop inches, size and weight this holiday season?  Sign up for the last BodyJoy Slim Down Challenge of 2017!  The Holiday Challenge runs Nov. 6-Dec. 17.  Learn how to celebrate and enjoy the holiday season while taking care of your health and improving your fitness.  Participants drop and average of 5 lbs. & 7" because of the private online Facebook Group, double workouts, delicious food ideas & effectively simple strategies.  Register by going to my website   


3 Tips to a Healthier Summer

I love the fact that school's out, but summer can be challenging in keeping needed structure when it comes to our health.  Here's 3 tips to help you stay healthy and happy as you enjoy the sunshine, freedom from carpools and being outdoors.  

Keep a regular sleep routine as much as possible.  If sleep is out of wack, expect your body and life to be out of wack!  Do what you can to get your rest by having a summer bedtime schedule.  Our kids need this too!  Perhaps the weekdays can be set at a reasonable bedtime rather than treating every day as if there's no curfew.  Aim for a minimum of 7 hours of sleep so your hormones can balance, your body can repair and burn fat to help you feel and look your best.  A great day begins with a great night's sleep!  In The BodyJoy Plan I list 5 major things that can negatively affect sleep.

  • Caffeine after 2pm
  • Sugar
  • Alcohol
  • Brain stimulation from electronics or any stress
  • Eating too much food in the evening

Workout at least 4 days a week.  Get outside and be active with you friends and family.  Use your BodyGym when you travel.  I take mine everywhere I go!  It's the best for having a strength training option.  I've mentioned before how I think strength training is THE most important form of exercise!  You NEED it to shrink inches and fat.  To order your own BodyGym or to see some exercise ideas go to their website .  Be sure to follow them on Instagram @thebodygym too.

Make meals simple and easy.  A few tips I shared earlier this year can be found in this post!  Eating healthy doesn't need to be time consuming and high maintenance.  Eggs, vegetables and fruits can be simple and filling.  They're even portable to take to the pool, work or in the car running errands.  

Focusing on a few manageable actions will improve your health, decrease your inches and give you greater BodyJoy!

Giveaway Time...

For a chance to win a FREE BodyGym and FREE The BodyJoy Plan book, share this post on your Facebook  or Instagram today!  Tag your friends to sign up for my FREE recipes on and I'll announce the winner this weekend!  More tags give you more entries!  I did restock more copies of The BodyJoy Plan for those of you wanting a helpful but light summer read!  They're in the Proshop at the LifeCentre Athletic Club.

La Costa Resort Update...

Rooms are already being booked and flights are being reserved so I wanted you to know a few more details...

You reserve your room directly with the hotel.  

LaCoasta's PHONE # is: (760) 438-9111. Just say you're with the BodyJoy Wellness Retreat and they'll book the discounted room rate for you.  Email me at once you've booked your room and let me know,  I'll add you to the retreat communications so you get the latest updates and information.

When it gets closer to the retreat I'll invoice you for the retreat fee since I don't have to pay for meals and spaces until then. The schedule is outlined and is available if you'd like to see it! My last BLOG post has all the retreat details incase you missed it!

We'll be starting around 6pm Thursday evening and having activities through Saturday night.  Check-out is around 11am Sunday but feel free to extend your check out or stay as long as you'd like using the amenities until your flight!

I'm so looking forward to this get away and would love if you get to come too!  People are coming as couples, mom & daughter groups and neighbors. Participants have mentioned they're finding great deals on SouthWest and Alaska Air into San Diego for this particular weekend!