
Stepping into the Second Half of 2020

This week we step into the second half of 2020. Life is different. We didn’t plan for any of these events we’ve experienced together.  Meme’s fill social media about the gained “Corona 15”, constant baking and comfort eating, not fitting into clothes, etc. Let’s guarantee these last 6 months of 2020 are noticeably better by taking action with those things you CAN control.

YOU have control over

-getting outside in nature

-daily workouts

-filling your pantry and fridge with real food

I bet you know what to do to be at your best, right!?!?  We all do.  The problem isn’t knowledge.  The problem is lack of action and accountability.

I’m inspired daily with those in my 4-week online BodyGym Challenge.  We’ve been holding each other accountable to getting in 5 workouts a week with 3 of those specially designated to fun, BodyGym strength sessions. We’re sharing recipes, photos and hacks for real-food based meals (that are simple) and we’re tracking just a few additional habits that make or break success so we can do more than just survive these interesting times.

Now is a time to assess.  

Are you where you wanted to be when you set your intentions in January?  Are you doing the daily actions to transform yourself into the person you’d like to become?

If you’d like a little help getting out of that rut I ‘d love to have you participate in the July BodyGym Challenge.

My program guidelines meet you where you’re at.  They’re doable even with summer in full swing.  

Give me 4 weeks and you’ll see that daily coaching has been the only thing needed to kick start your success.  

Registration for the challenge is open until Friday, July 3 since we begin Monday, July 6.  Register online at  

Here’s to making the second half of 2020 great together!

Mindy’s Mango Cardamom Smoothie

People don’t think to add spices or herbs to smoothies but they can add a great flavor alongside of their anti-inflammatory & health benefits!

1-2 cups water

1-2 cups greens (or 1 cup greens, 1 handful fresh basil)

1 Tsp chia seeds

½ - 1 tsp Cardamom spice

1 cup mangos (or ½ cup pineapple ½ cup mangos)

Handful Ice

1 scoop of your favorite vanilla protein powder

Add water, chia seeds and greens to blender. Blend until liquefied. Add frozen mangos and ice, blend until thick. Add protein powder and cardamom, blend until desired consistency. Click to sign up for my free 8 simple recipes.

3 Proven Tips for Inch Loss

I read an excellent article on the importance of environment, awareness & action over knowledge. 

I’m sharing 3 important take-away’s that could lead to your own inch loss! 

1. Knowledge doesn’t always transfer into action.  We can be schooled on nutrition, health and fitness, but if we’re not taking action to do the work required to see results to improve our health and fitness, that knowledge isn’t helping our situation.  The article stated sometimes people mistake knowledge as the most important indicator of success.  Take-away:  ACTION is the more important indicator of reaching results!

2.  Environment plays a larger factor than willpower & knowledge.  You can have the most determined person in the world, but if that person is in an environment that doesn’t support your goal, that you’ll have a hard time succeeding.


Plate size matters.  You mean to eat less, but you want to fill your plate so it looks like you’re getting a good amount of food.  Fact: By having smaller plates, you can fill your plate and consume less calories without even thinking about it!  Establish which plate you can begin using to help you hit your goal!  If you don’t have one in your home, buy one this week!

Dish out and prep serving sizes.  Fact: When you portion out your food, you’re less likely to mindlessly consume more than you mean to eat.  

Portion out everything that you can!  Get out snack-size baggies to fill with your chips , pretzels, cookies, crackers, popcorn, etc. Even do this with your healthier foods such as carrots, celery, grape tomatoes, raw almonds, pumpkin or sunflower seeds, etc. 

3.  Awareness is more important than knowledge. You can know every nutrient in food, know how many calories are in foods, but if you’re not aware of the amounts you’re actually eating, that knowledge can’t help you reach your goal.  

How can you have awareness? 

In my BodyGym Challenge we track points for 7 simple strategies and our point total is based on how well we do them.  This gives us the AWARENESS of where we need to do better or why we’re doing so great.  

Tracking our actions and daily accountability through my online private Facebook challenge leads to weekly results! Who doesn’t want to see success on a weekly basis?!?!?

Implement these three concepts to create your own success. Better yet, let me help take some of the guess work out of it and join me THIS WEEKEND in the next BodyGym Challenge to start experiencing results!

I’m offering a $10 discount to anyone who signs up before Saturday, June 6.  Message me if you’d like that discount vs. signing up on my website!  

I’m excited to make June a month of progress & success!

You can read more details at

A Week of Celebration!

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

How fun is it that we get to celebrate twice in one week? Cinco de Mayo and Mother’s Day, does it get any better?!?!?!

I just wanted to share my favorite Mexican themed recipe that’s fresh, healthy and delicious.

Mindy’s Ceviche Recipe
Preparation time: 15 minutes to prepare, let soak all day or overnight in fridge. 
            1 lb. of raw shrimp chopped (you can also use mahi-mahi or halibut)
            2 fresh squeezed limes (use juice)
            1/2 red onion, finely diced
            ½ cucumber diced
            1 chopped fresh tomato
             Fresh cilantro to taste
             ½ avocado diced
             5 Tbsp. fresh salsa
             Tortillas or tortilla chips or romaine lettuce leaves
In a glass casserole dish, either Pyrex or ceramic, place the fish, onion, tomatoes, salsa, cucumber and cilantro. Squeeze in lime juice. Stir well, making sure the fish gets exposed to the acidic lime juice. Let sit for several hours in the fridge, giving time for the flavors to blend.  (My daughter adds a splash of Tabasco sauce!) ALSO, if you leave the avocado pit in, the mix it won’t turn brown.
Serving Options
Serve with chopped cilantro and slices of avocado with heated tortillas
Serve in romaine lettuce leaves or over a bed of green for salad style
Serve in hard shells for ceviche tacos
Serve on a tostada shell
Serve nacho style with tortilla chips
Use as your veggie dip or chip dip
Serves 8. Approx. 80 calories per serving of the fish ceviche mix.


Honoring The Ladies…

If you need an idea for that fabulous lady in your life, my next 28 Day BodyGym challenge begins on Monday!

I’m giving a $10 discount to all females between now and Friday, May 8.

I’m honored to have both mother & daughter and sister groups starting next week. I love how the BodyGym and these strategies create a supportive atmosphere fostering positive change. This group of women truly band together as they improve their health and fitness in addition to the health and fitness of those around them.

Message me to register at the discounted rate or for a gift certificate to give this Sunday!

Here’s to a week of celebration and expressing gratitude for the many women who give, love and support us!

Give A Way Time & Live Workouts!


March was a bit of a blur, but I celebrated 24 years of being in the fitness industry.  My first few years as a trainer I thought the rewards of this job came from seeing people drop sizes and lose weight on the scale.  With over several hundreds of clients, online and in person, I have to say the best and biggest rewards are watching people completely create a new life experience from what they learn while improving their body. 

It’s awesome to watch someone get off prescription medications for health conditions they no longer have due to positive change.  It’s great to watch someone gain confidence in his or her own ability and know they can do hard things. They’ve proved it to themselves by creating new habits they are proud of.  It’s inspiring to watch someone who struggled with life, depression and being unhappy convince others to begin to workout and eat real food because of the change it has made in their life. 

I love watching other’s share the positive rewards of taking care of themselves on every level.  It’s about how we are as people, not just what we look like because we’re better able to take care of those around us when we’re healthy and happy. 

Health and wellness is so much more than the scale or how much weight you can lift.  It’s about creating the best body and life experience possible.

This month I’m excited to launch another 28 Day Challenge, based on my most successful program that people use to change their body and life experience.  More people, regardless of where they are in the world can apply my DOABLE strategies to see results that my client’s experience.  The blessings of technology have made creating a healthier body even easier for all of us! This challenge begins Monday, April 13!

To thank you for your business, support and examples in my 24 years of Fitness & Food Coaching I’m doing a few give-a-ways over the next 3 days.   I’m going to give away some of my favorite things that have helped my clients the MOST!  I’ll be giving copies of my book, The BodyJoy Plan, some BodyGym Systems, and 2 spots in my next challenge.

Follow me on FaceBook and Instagram and watch for the GIVE AWAY picture to win these prizes!  All you have to do is 

  • like the page or post once I display the give-a-way picture and  

  • tag at least 2 people who could use a positive change!

  • Have them like the post and start following me then both of you will be eligible for winning a prize! 

  • I’ll announce them randomly starting Wednesday this week!  You’ll receive your gift in just a few days! You can get a jump start on it by forwarding this message so they can join my community today!

Help me share the message of positive change and let’s continue to help ourselves and others experience true BodyJoy! 

I'm looking forward to another 24 years of helping you and those you love! 

LIVE FaceBook workouts on Thursday & Friday 8am MST! See you on my page at 8am!

LIVE FaceBook workouts on Thursday & Friday 8am MST! See you on my page at 8am!

3 Tips to a Healthier Summer

I love the fact that school's out, but summer can be challenging in keeping needed structure when it comes to our health.  Here's 3 tips to help you stay healthy and happy as you enjoy the sunshine, freedom from carpools and being outdoors.  

Keep a regular sleep routine as much as possible.  If sleep is out of wack, expect your body and life to be out of wack!  Do what you can to get your rest by having a summer bedtime schedule.  Our kids need this too!  Perhaps the weekdays can be set at a reasonable bedtime rather than treating every day as if there's no curfew.  Aim for a minimum of 7 hours of sleep so your hormones can balance, your body can repair and burn fat to help you feel and look your best.  A great day begins with a great night's sleep!  In The BodyJoy Plan I list 5 major things that can negatively affect sleep.

  • Caffeine after 2pm
  • Sugar
  • Alcohol
  • Brain stimulation from electronics or any stress
  • Eating too much food in the evening

Workout at least 4 days a week.  Get outside and be active with you friends and family.  Use your BodyGym when you travel.  I take mine everywhere I go!  It's the best for having a strength training option.  I've mentioned before how I think strength training is THE most important form of exercise!  You NEED it to shrink inches and fat.  To order your own BodyGym or to see some exercise ideas go to their website .  Be sure to follow them on Instagram @thebodygym too.

Make meals simple and easy.  A few tips I shared earlier this year can be found in this post!  Eating healthy doesn't need to be time consuming and high maintenance.  Eggs, vegetables and fruits can be simple and filling.  They're even portable to take to the pool, work or in the car running errands.  

Focusing on a few manageable actions will improve your health, decrease your inches and give you greater BodyJoy!

Giveaway Time...

For a chance to win a FREE BodyGym and FREE The BodyJoy Plan book, share this post on your Facebook  or Instagram today!  Tag your friends to sign up for my FREE recipes on and I'll announce the winner this weekend!  More tags give you more entries!  I did restock more copies of The BodyJoy Plan for those of you wanting a helpful but light summer read!  They're in the Proshop at the LifeCentre Athletic Club.

La Costa Resort Update...

Rooms are already being booked and flights are being reserved so I wanted you to know a few more details...

You reserve your room directly with the hotel.  

LaCoasta's PHONE # is: (760) 438-9111. Just say you're with the BodyJoy Wellness Retreat and they'll book the discounted room rate for you.  Email me at once you've booked your room and let me know,  I'll add you to the retreat communications so you get the latest updates and information.

When it gets closer to the retreat I'll invoice you for the retreat fee since I don't have to pay for meals and spaces until then. The schedule is outlined and is available if you'd like to see it! My last BLOG post has all the retreat details incase you missed it!

We'll be starting around 6pm Thursday evening and having activities through Saturday night.  Check-out is around 11am Sunday but feel free to extend your check out or stay as long as you'd like using the amenities until your flight!

I'm so looking forward to this get away and would love if you get to come too!  People are coming as couples, mom & daughter groups and neighbors. Participants have mentioned they're finding great deals on SouthWest and Alaska Air into San Diego for this particular weekend!