
Join Us for this Special Opportunity!


This is the time of year Huntsman Cancer Institute holds their largest fundraiser for cancer research. Saturday, June 20th is the designated day. There’s usually several bike rides, runs and walks where participants gather, chalk their loved one’s names on the side walks & roads and participate in a wonderfully supported activity.

There’s a lot of tears, a lot of hugs, a lot of smiles, sweat and bonding over doing hard things in memory of or for “our person” affected by the “C” word.

This year that opportunity to be together on our bikes or walking & running in person has been taken away.

This year fundraising is so different. Sadly, the foundation has already taken a hit.

Even though it looks different, this year we still have the opportunity to support and help raise money virtually.

If you’d like to participate in this unique opportunity with us, you can donate by clicking the link above.

Our team is excited to participate, and we are asking for your help in supporting the life-saving work of researchers at Huntsman Cancer Institute. This year is a Virtual Huntsman SportsFest

Saturday, June 20 is the official celebration day. We’re encouraged to get outside and be active, in celebration of your life, your body and those we love.

For anyone who donates to our page, LifeCentre is opening it’s doors to welcome YOU to participate in either of our 2 group fitness classes, use of the beautiful salt water pool, or workout in the facility anyway that supports you best as a thank you.

We have all been touched by cancer, and our team is making the commitment to bring hope to patients and their families by participating in this event, raising money, and doing our part to help eradicate cancer from the earth.

Please consider helping us reach our goal by donating to this page - 100% of every donation is being used to fund cancer research at Huntsman Cancer Institute. Because of you, others can continue to have hope in their fight against cancer.

I’ve missed my mom dearly these past 2 years. I miss my grandpa, Jason, Jan & all other friends and loved ones who are no longer with me. I’d do anything to keep family’s from experiencing this heartbreak! Won’t you join me?

On behalf of Team LifeCentre, I hope to see you June 20!

3 Proven Tips for Inch Loss

I read an excellent article on the importance of environment, awareness & action over knowledge. 

I’m sharing 3 important take-away’s that could lead to your own inch loss! 

1. Knowledge doesn’t always transfer into action.  We can be schooled on nutrition, health and fitness, but if we’re not taking action to do the work required to see results to improve our health and fitness, that knowledge isn’t helping our situation.  The article stated sometimes people mistake knowledge as the most important indicator of success.  Take-away:  ACTION is the more important indicator of reaching results!

2.  Environment plays a larger factor than willpower & knowledge.  You can have the most determined person in the world, but if that person is in an environment that doesn’t support your goal, that you’ll have a hard time succeeding.


Plate size matters.  You mean to eat less, but you want to fill your plate so it looks like you’re getting a good amount of food.  Fact: By having smaller plates, you can fill your plate and consume less calories without even thinking about it!  Establish which plate you can begin using to help you hit your goal!  If you don’t have one in your home, buy one this week!

Dish out and prep serving sizes.  Fact: When you portion out your food, you’re less likely to mindlessly consume more than you mean to eat.  

Portion out everything that you can!  Get out snack-size baggies to fill with your chips , pretzels, cookies, crackers, popcorn, etc. Even do this with your healthier foods such as carrots, celery, grape tomatoes, raw almonds, pumpkin or sunflower seeds, etc. 

3.  Awareness is more important than knowledge. You can know every nutrient in food, know how many calories are in foods, but if you’re not aware of the amounts you’re actually eating, that knowledge can’t help you reach your goal.  

How can you have awareness? 

In my BodyGym Challenge we track points for 7 simple strategies and our point total is based on how well we do them.  This gives us the AWARENESS of where we need to do better or why we’re doing so great.  

Tracking our actions and daily accountability through my online private Facebook challenge leads to weekly results! Who doesn’t want to see success on a weekly basis?!?!?

Implement these three concepts to create your own success. Better yet, let me help take some of the guess work out of it and join me THIS WEEKEND in the next BodyGym Challenge to start experiencing results!

I’m offering a $10 discount to anyone who signs up before Saturday, June 6.  Message me if you’d like that discount vs. signing up on my website!  

I’m excited to make June a month of progress & success!

You can read more details at

Real Life Heros!

I grew up wearing Wonder Woman Underoo’s and watching Linda Carter on T.V..  I still think she’s pretty awesome, but it’s funny how as an adult none of my hero’s wear capes anymore.  Between the new Wonder Woman movie and training for the Huntsman 140 bike ride I’ve had some time to reflect on the many hero’s in my life. 

Watching someone be told, “you have cancer”; watching them try to live life after being injected full of Chemo; or watching a woman sit stoically in a chair while her head is being shaved automatically turns them into your hero.  Cancer has taught me more about courage, sacrifice and the unlimited potential of the human body than anything else I've witnessed in life.

Cancer began rocking my world as a senior in high school when I lost my grandpa to leukemia.  Both of my parents are cancer survivors and I lost one of my best friends to melanoma at the age of 25.    I've lost clients, friends, and loved one's in addition to watching so many around me be affected through their own cancer experiences. Cancer changes your life—regardless if you’re one with cancer or if you’re the one feelingly so helpless sitting along side your loved one in this modern day battle.

This picture above was taken from the Ride from Reno team.  At Sacramento Pass, names of loved ones who we honor in remembrance or who we support right now are written in chalk to inspire riders that we all can do hard things. This is a pretty powerful WHY incase you need a reason to take care of your body and health!

This picture represents MY people.  They're who I’m honoring and riding for this weekend.  Some are family members, friends and two are are even strangers.  It doesn’t matter our relationship; they’ve inspired me by the way they hero through life. My REAL LIFE HEROS don’t wear capes.

This weekend take time to tell your loved one’s how much they mean to you.  Regardless of the battles you might be facing in life, remember that YOU can do hard things too.  I look forward to the day when there’s a cure for cancer.  I’m grateful for a healthy body that is able to participate in such an important cause.  Thank you Vicki Linton for inspiring me to join Warriors on Wheels and for the tireless work you and your family dedicate to cancer awareness and support.  I’m honored to be able to ride with you this Saturday!  

I'd love if you shared this post on your personal pages and encourage others to donate the last 2 days of fundraising.  I'm looking forward to showing you a sneak peak of the Primary Children's Cancer Center before it opens to the public!  Watch for my upcoming Facebook live.  

7 Days CAN Make a Difference!

This weekend I join an amazing team of people riding to raise money for Cancer Treatment.  You can support us by donating here before Friday!

This weekend I join an amazing team of people riding to raise money for Cancer Treatment.  You can support us by donating here before Friday!

This month I did a complete overhaul on my BodyJoy Slim Down Challenge.  I've learned so much the past few months being part of a private study based on scientific research with clinical nutritionists, registered dietitians, scientists, and functional & traditional medical professionals.  Now that I know better, I had to incorporate it to help others KNOW and DO better too!

Here's a comment from one of my new participants who dropped 5.6lbs. in 7 days...

“I'm actually really proud of myself for week one and super motivated by the results. I found ways to eat things I do enjoy by putting it in my log and making decisions around that. Planning ahead of time has really been key….I thought that I would have a harder time staying within 3-4 meals a day, but I end up being so full. In fact, it made me not crave treats because I was so full. I also found on busier times how to pack the right food that I need. Tonight we have a BBQ so I'm taking my own sides and logged the chicken before hand. This week my goal was to make dinner meals that my family and I can eat together but maybe I have less sides etc. It's hard with a house of all boys...most trying to put on weight. Thanks so much Mindy. This really has been an eyeopening experience.” Marni R.  

Because Marni is eating real food and adequate amounts of calories I know she didn't starve herself the past 7 days.  Inflammation from food is a REAL problem that most people don't realize.  Removing those possible foods decreases bloating and water retention, an can even decrease pain as well as help burn body fat.  Results aren't just about calories, they're about nutrients and other important factors too!

If you don't think 7 days can make a difference, try making just one change and do it consistently for 1 week!  I promise you'll have a positive result that can fuel your motivation to continue the process.  The hardest part is actually starting!  So today, commit to your one change.  Use your BodyGym daily, replace your soda with 64 oz. of water (infused with sea salt and fresh squeezed lemon or lime), watch your portion sizes are just a few ideas!

Tell me what you'll do different and next week by commenting below then check in to share your progress!  I'll keep you updated on my June participants because they're going to be right there with you making the next 7 days successful too!