
My Travel Trifecta


Happy October!  I hope your transition into fall has been fabulous.  This is actually my favorite time of year.  I feel more of a sense of  renewal, recommitment and desire to improve vs. any other time--even more than at the New Year.

I’ve been asked about staying healthy and true to my lifestyle while traveling so I thought I’d share a few items I take with me regardless if I’m out of town overnight or for an extended period of time.  

These 3 items save me from losing ground on the health and fitness results I work so hard towards.

Let’s Talk TREATS!

Keeping it real, we have to have treats as part of our healthy lifestyle right?!?!?  These keep us IN our healthy lifestyle.  We don’t feel deprived when we have options that are satisfying AND help us see keep our results. 

I take these single serving Cenavi 70% Dark Chocolate Flats with me in my gym bag or purse.  Rather than munching on sugary cookies, pretzels or whatever else is offered on a plane or at the gas stations, I enjoy a chocolate square.  I love how these are low sugar but taste like the real deal!  They’re rich and indulgent so one is really all I need (most of the time!).  

I use these at restaurants too.  Don’t you hate it when the dessert looks so much better than it actually tastes?  Sadly, most of the time this is the case so rather than eating what’s served, I pull out my chocolate treat and enjoy every single bite of it while other’s are eating that “less than amazing” dessert just because it's on the table. 

Probiotics to the Rescue

It’s no secret our bodies get out of their routine when we travel.  At those moments, we all could use a little help to feel and function our best while on the road.

Amazing benefits of the Silver Fern Brand Ultimate Probiotic include:

·       Improved digestion and food tolerance

·       Reduced gas, bloating and digestive discomfort

·       Aided recovery of the flora after antibiotic use

·       Supported nutrient absorption

·       Reduced inflammation

·       Improved favorable immune response and reduction of allergies and asthma

·       Improved regularity of bowel movements

·       Supported growth of good bacteria

The best thing about these probiotics is they actually are what the label states!  PLUS, they're shelf stable which means you don’t have to worry about refrigerating them so they can be tossed right in your carry on with you!  Without geeking out on the research, I love them because these are…

·       100% guaranteed survivability

·       Independent, 3rd party lab proven survivability results

·       3rd party DNA verification of the strains

·       3 university tested bacillus species

·       Contain a prebiotic to help activate the probiotic bacteria in the intestines

I’ve done my research and these are the one thing my family and I take on a daily basis—ESPECIALLY while traveling!

Silver Fern Protein Shakes vs. Getting Hangry

Having a baggie of protein powder comes in handy when you need an actual meal but you don’t love the choices being offered .  Whether you’re on a plane, in a business meeting or you just don’t have access to food YOU’D like, this is easy and low maintenance when you’re in a bind.  All you need is a cup or water bottle!

Besides the fact this is the best tasting, highest nutrient powder I’ve found, it mixes great in just a bottle of water.   I've even used the chocolate flavored protein in hot water and it tastes like a hot chocolate!  Who else totally freezes on airplanes?!?!?

There you have it: my Travel Trifecta! These are my non-negotiables that go with me on every trip.  I keep them in my carry on and in my purse at all times.  

Have you had any experience with these items yet?  What do YOU do to stay close to your healthy lifestyle while you travel?  

As I'm getting ready to pack for my upcoming BodyJoy Retreat I’ll be sharing a few more "grab & go" ideas soon!  Until then, I hope these items help you on your next travel adventure, work trip or weekend get away!  

Holiday BodyJoy Slim Down Challenge

Would you like to actually drop inches, size and weight this holiday season?  Sign up for the last BodyJoy Slim Down Challenge of 2017!  The Holiday Challenge runs Nov. 6-Dec. 17.  Learn how to celebrate and enjoy the holiday season while taking care of your health and improving your fitness.  Participants drop and average of 5 lbs. & 7" because of the private online Facebook Group, double workouts, delicious food ideas & effectively simple strategies.  Register by going to my website   


Try Green Spanish Eggs... Simple, Creative & Healthy!

One of my BodyJoy Slim Down Challenge participants, Alba went to Spain last year.  She's been making the most incredible Spanish Eggs and sharing them with me ever since. Today I decided to use the chopped veggies from my St. Patrick's Day "All Things Green Salad" (recipe posted just a few days ago on my blog and toss them in a skillet with two 🍳 eggs and six egg whites. 

This was a simple, fast meal thanks to having pre-cut veggies on hand!  It's a delicious option worth trying anytime you have less than 30 minutes.  It saves great in the fridge for a few days and can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch or dinner.  I'm a huge fan of cooking once but eating several times!  This makes 4-6 servings: plus, kids & husband approved!  (Even with sneaking in a few veggies they normally don't eat, everyone cleaned their plates and my oldest daughter ate it twice today!)

💚 Preheat oven to 350 while sautéeing chopped veggies (use any you have on hand) on med-high heat in olive oil or spray for about 5-7 minutes 

💚 Wisk eggs & egg whites with salt, pepper & basil seasoning into a bowl, pour into skillet over the veggies & cook for about 5 mins

💚 Finish in over at 350 for 10-15 minutes! 

WAHOOO!!! I am so excited about my results this week! I am down 8.8lbs!!! (Yay for getting rid of bloat from soda etc). I also got 271 points this week, this includes the points for my weight dropped.
— Kirin K., March BodyJoy Slim Down Challenge Week 1 Results

If you want to see what my BodyJoy Slim Down Challenge is all about, go to  Details for the challenge and the awesome probiotics & protein powder are found here.  I love how the Silver Fern Brand probiotics are helping people get even better results by reducing sugar cravings and rebalancing gut issues.  Use the discount code Mindy10 for the best pricing on any Silver Fern Brand items and ELEVATE your results by clicking the picture on my website.

I'm adding participants for the May challenge waiting list.  You can register directly on my website by clicking the "sign up" button.

Elevating Your Treats

My online BodyJoy Slim Down Challenge includes 7 simple strategies. I don't believe in extreme rules or restrictions, just smart concepts that've been proven to help you hit your goal.  One strategy I focus on is eliminating processed sugar & artificial sweeteners.  I encourage participants to aim for 6 or less grams of sugar so they can eat it more mindfully.  We avoid sugar alcohols and look for stevia, monk fruit extract or other fruit as a smart alternative.

Use these tips taken from my  Recipe E-Book.  

Make your own homemade ice cream by doing ½ the sugar amount the recipe calls for. Use coconut sugar rather than white sugar. You'll love the flavor it adds not to mention the nutrients!

Try using in-season fresh fruit chopped or sliced as a simple, fast, delicious dessert.  Think fruit bowl once in a while!

I enjoy slicing fresh apples or pears in a bowl.  I sprinkle them with cinnamon and a little Silver Fern Brand vanilla protein powder, adda bit of vanilla or almond extract and microwave for 2 minutes.  Sometimes I add just a pinch of sea salt.  You can drizzle melted peanut butter, sprinkle with chocolate protein powder or melt a little chocolate over yours as well.  That leads me to my favorite option...chocolate!

Sometimes we just need a taste of something intense to get satisfaction.  Think quality of flavor vs. quantity!  I love great quality chocolate such as Cenavi Chocolate Bark or the Theo Organic Mint Chocolate bar.  Just a piece or two can satisfy my craving for something sweet.  

You have to try the Cranberry, Blueberry & Ginger Cenavi bark!  It's my absolute favorite.  I love how I don't even need a full serving, just a small piece to get the sweet fix I need so I can keep my cravings under control. I love that these barks have probiotics and fiber in them but taste like "regular" chocolate.  They offer 3 delicious flavors!  Treats should be savored with each taste and enjoyed without guilt, right?!?!

When you ELEVATE your idea of treats, you find you can enjoy them without sacrificing your goals.  Remember it's not about perfection, deprivation, or being extreme. There's room for treats in moderation.  

Through the month of January, use the coupon code SIlverFern10 for a discount on any protein powder or chocolate bark items found by clicking the chocolate above. I bet these chocolate barks will become your new favorite!  I've added a link to my website on the bottom right  just to make it  easier for you to find.  Watch for my upcoming FaceBook LIVE for more ELEVATED treat ideas!